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carnarvon gorge discovery centre
carnarvon gorge discovery centre
Bush Fly
carnarvon gorge discovery centre

Carnarvon Gorge

Discovery Centre

Adjacent to the Wilderness Lodge Restaurant

Hands-on Natural History Displays

Southern Cliffs, Carnarvon Gorge.

Use our microscopes to get up close and personal with some of the Gorge's mini-beasts

Bush Fly

Afternoon Park Presentation

Meet local guides, Simon and Michelle, as they introduce you to Carnarvon Gorge with a detailed multimedia presentation at the Discovery Centre. 4.30 pm March to October. (Gold Coin Donation).

Oakey Creek, Carnarvon Gorge.
Afternoon Park Presentation.

Meet Some of the Locals!

Crossing Carnarvon Creek

Check out some of your neighbours living in Carnarvon Creek. Rainbow Fish, Purple-spotted Gudgeons, Long-arm Shrimp and Fly-specked Hardyheads are on display.

Local creek-life display.



Bring on the Beasties.

Australian Nature Guides are trained wildlife spotters, using tracks, sounds and local knowledge to enhance the wildlife encounters of clients on their tours. To meet as many local species as possible, and to learn how they fit into the grand scheme of things, book a tour.

Creek running.

A River Runs Through it

Perennial Carnarvon Ck.

Carnarvon Creek is fed by artesian springs - some of which have never been known to cease flowing. For millions of years it has attracted, and sustained, a bewildering array of life, including humans from several different cultures.


Partners in Crime.

Competition, Simon!

In 2016, Michelle Whitehouse joined Australian Nature Guides. Now a partner in the business, Michelle's broad knowledge from working around Australia has added a new dimension to their tours. Her passion for the Gorge is even beginning to rival Simon's!


Australian Nature Guides

PO Box 50

Injune, QLD 4454. Australia

m: 0408 741 292

© 2016-2022 by Australian Nature Guides

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